There is nothing straight-forward and easy when it comes to Indiana Worker’s Compensation Law. One exception (mostly) is the concept of mileage. For Indiana Worker’s Comp cases, injured workers are entitled to mileage payments under certain crite … [Read more...] about Am I entitled to Mileage Payments in Indiana Worker’s Comp Cases?
A question that comes up more frequently than one might imagine goes something like this: “We want to move back home to be closer to family. Is it OK to move while I’m still on worker’s compensation?” It’s really a great question. The technical an … [Read more...] about Is it OK to Move While On Worker’s Compensation?
If you’ve suffered an Indiana work injury, you may already be familiar with what a Permanent Partial Impairment (PPI) rating is. If not, head over to this blog post to learn the basics. But if you are familiar with the term, the Indiana Worker’s Compe … [Read more...] about Indiana Worker’s Compensation Board Adds PPI Rating Worksheet
Charles Hewins of Salmon & Hewins, LLC interviews Cassie Noah, President of the Junior League of Evansville How is your June starting off? On our Facebook page, we recently announced our monthly charitable contribution program. Each month, o … [Read more...] about Monthly Charity Contribution goes to the Junior League of Evansville!
Any Injured Indiana worker with an open worker’s compensation case will be confronted with lots of new legal terms. The HR Reps and worker’s comp insurance adjusters know these terms well. Without understanding the basics, you’re at a disadvantage w … [Read more...] about Indiana Worker’s Comp Basics: What is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)?
Indiana law requires every employer to carry worker’s comp insurance for its employees. In certain industries that are high risk for worker injuries, those insurance premiums can be astronomical. Rather than try to make the work environment safer fo … [Read more...] about What If I Have a Worker’s Comp Case But My Employer Says I’m An Independent Contractor?